Dan Dare and the Orange Men.

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My next blog on here is going to be about the secret society known as the SannyasNews Moderately Freemasons

I have been handed secret documents that show how this secret society formed with a ‘Lodge’ a ‘Hut’ and a ‘Blog’ have been secretly organising ‘opinion sharing’ meetups in forest clearings up and down the country.

Cleverly disguising their antics as ‘discussions’ , but having an altogether more nefarious agenda…. read on…

Fuelled by an almost messianic belief in their roles as what are called ‘editors’, and sponsored by copious amounts of ‘Baked Beans’ cooked in battered aluminium pots(providing endless supplies of hot air after supper) they then gather together to read coded messages from their spiritual manuals : ‘The Hotspur’ ‘ The Valiant ‘ and ‘The Dandy’ which they then proceed to claim contain profound messages for humanity for aeons to come.

Here are some of the Gnostic Millenial messages which they copiously study even under the bedsheets at night when the lights are out and they pretend to be asleep…these are known as ‘Comics’, although they are far from being funny..something which bears strange and unsurprising similarities here to their activities on SunShine News

example 1. A training manual for covert intrigue cleverly disguised in Comic form….

Example 2. A religious almaniac showing young men brainwashed into reverence of a holy reliquary…

Example 3. A picture of the total obedience expected as a member of the secret society , to the one known as the MASTER


It has come to my attention that some of these unnamed ‘editors’ have been trained in spotting scurrilous claims not worthy of discussion, from a distance of over 1800 yards with nothing but homemade telescopes made from toilet roll tubes and a magnifying glass and mirrors. They really can spot trouble a mile off.

Such is their influence in some of the top religious groups online that many fear to talk about them openly. One of their hall marks is to write into some online blogs disguised as devotees of some fringe quasi religious group searching for ‘enlightenment’, and , under the cover of darkness, and whilst removing their indoor plimsole shoes , they place comments teasing all and sundry so as to cause attacks of MASS HYPERBOLE.

This they then pretend to benignly moderate and ‘censor’ , whilst then placing more spurious opinions online for the following day…Apparently this is done for no other reason than to elicit the same sort of snorts and sniggers which they enjoy exchanging from their other favourite religious manual ‘ The Dandy’

In this example we see that they have a full and complete understanding of the limited freudian persona, in an especially written story , filled with religious seekers’ meaning ( ages 7 and up )


Stay tuned for more revelations of the not so religious kind…

Reply here or on my oshopirates facebook link at bottom of right side column.