Google’s search inside yourself programme

Google’s search inside yourself programme


The Real Story

SIYLI is a grand idea—a product of Google’s culture, Chade Meng Tan’s vision and an idea whose time has come. Can work be fun, enjoyable and a place to get things done? Yes, it can. It can also be a place that creates the conditions for world peace.


A zen teacher, an engineer and a Stanford Neuroscientist walk into a room and… they start a world changing organization. This is the simplified story of our founders- Marc, Meng and Philippe. Their expertise in mindfulness, business and science are at the core of what SIYLI offers.

We want everyone to be happy and at peace. It just so happens that when people are happy and at peace, they are also effective at work. SIYLI’s programs allow people to be happy and peaceful. This effects their families, their co-workers, and everyone they are around. SIYLI happens to serve the business world and we hope to serve many more organizations in the future.

What would it take to train the whole business world to be mindful? We have the honor of answering that question.


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