My Credo on This and That world

It’s Up To Us To Do Something About Everything


One of most fundamental contributions Osho gave to me and us was the reminder that we live in a deeply manic, violent and phobic society, not just robotic as described by Gurdjieff or filled with selves who think they exist but don’t, according to advaitists like ganga /papa/ meatymooji. And it’s up to us to do something about everything. Or die trying or laughing at the effort.

Osho’s existence was a direct call to attention of the role of state violence and conditioned vested, bondaged mentality in limiting life. Osho, the man and his voice was a direct target of this mania and violence through the history of the ending of the ranch , his institutional imprisonment and the forced retreat to the backwaters of India.Whatever you think of Karma , you still have to choose a target of preference, and mine is always the vested power of the state and its agents.

By not only opening up the conversations , but by being an example of unsilenceable integrity against oppression, he stood as unique testimony to the role of the state in being the agent of violence, through corporate and institutionalized, cradle to grave suppression. This also was a warning to us as evidenced by all the exchanges we have had on here, at SN, as regards our own failures to safeguard ourselves from our own Quislings.

However where all other self-realized One’s miserably fail and weakly, cowardly so, is in removing the notion of consciousness from actualizing its effects and being responsible for it in the world as we go. And through redemptive accountability for the world which we make and agree to on the way to prescribed cosmic unity. They, the other you-tube realized Ones , refuse and fail to confront the world on it’s own terms, and provide nothing useful in fundamental collective, humanist and accessible examples as a radical or inspiring voice …not a single rebel voice amongst them.

By attempting to shortcut or prune their concerns into the actualizing of other-worldly consciousness they do a disservice to the experience of life itself, and prevent that solidarity which arises from collective social and parallel engagement. Engagement that confronts the world from which consciousness itself is painfully born.

Further, this website is tracked for significant communications of all the contributors, by vested interests of the government agencies for any forms of dissent that refer back to anything Osho represented as being potentially threatening to their political agenda. SN would be rated on that scale of things to watch, because of what happened in the States, whereas all the other ji ji’s just have nice disciples, we had troublesome for the State and each other ones.

The fact that none of us engage in that kind of effective debate here is not due to what Osho was capable of, and inspired, but what we have left OUT of the whole picture that our lives around him now represent in his material absence. That trouble-making provocative fire, where others are cool and insignificant by their lack of immersion or example.

Personally, as most of you should know well by now, I have a line in the sand for other sannyasins who have no interest in the consequences of Osho’s complete legacy to us, either in their personal or collective lives. That legacy includes libertarian radicalism, and animal compassionate humanist concerns. When actions are taken with integrity towards a complete fellowship with what Osho did, how he was able to voice with precision the double speak of hypocrisy, he offered a more relevant and complete understanding of humans living in suffering and responsible for the ecology of their own internal and external world.That’s why I have only had veggy girlfriends all my adult life and currently live with a dumb but kind hearted vegan.(ouch, she just thumped me).

To me it is a great shame that there are not the given examples of that intention, as living, thriving parallel self-sufficient politically confronting communities of complete political intent, and part of that failure was/is in resting upon introspection and psychology as being the solely formative representations of his market-place legacy.

I take very small initiatives here in lambasting those who claim anything less than a veg-eatarian lifestyle as being representative of what sannyas was and is ethically all about. I cannot sponsor now or before by my energies, those who want to be liberated and engage in the search for personal liberation whilst still being incapable of making some simple first steps.This has actually prevented me, happily so, from investing in the manifest hypocrisy of either therapist, meditation mongerers or those who espouse and mouth platitudes in Osho’s name.

Some of you will know about me living on a Greek island for some years and some of you will be surprised to know that the money backing the Osho centre there comes from a family who make or at least made then , their money from meat packing on the mainland. Draw your own conclusions about me or them, but just to let you know I have never been back and avoided the centre whilst living next door to it, literally for that and other reasons.

Now my opinion may not prevent hypocritical cruelty per se, but it comes down to who or what do you support when offered a choice, and in whose company in the market place. Further there are two Greek sannyas restaurants cafes there which make money from the selling every day of flesh. This was never my version of rebellion, and although I socialized and very rarely had a coffee at these places, my laughter was always tempered by the fact that despite our affinities we were never going to be deep friends. Somethings don’t wash, including spearfishing, lamb lard dinners, octopus legs and the tethering of a goat in the yard ready for slaughter at easter before the centre opened.

Most of the Greeks I met there were very very primitive in this regard and it came as no surprise when the cholesterol addicted centre leader dropped dead just a few years ago. There is a limit to hypocrisy. Some of you may even accuse me here of enjoying a dead gloat. As long as it died naturally, I have no problem with that.

So what of all this, well this piece comes about after watching what I could bear to watch about cruelty to animals on You Tube, prompted tangentially by the simple comment of elephants Lokesh made. It is not legally permissible to describe what I would like to do to the elephant torturers of Ringlings circus in the States, although I spent eight long weeks in Virginia chasing them up and down the state, informing the public what exactly went into this vindictive and cruel plebean circus market of so called childrens’ entertainment for the proles and by criminals. Luckily the Chief of Police in Norfolk VA then, was a feminist woman who sympathised with our actions and who knew very well of the circus’s employees criminality, some having been prosecuted for other offences prior so her force was instructed not to impede our protests.

So if anyone is reading this and could use my activist thoughts and experience in a location where consciousness, fun, ethical integrity and libertarian libidos come together , do drop me a line.

Further, when we ask ourselves what to do with living with oneself and how to best address the schizophrenic being /not being, here /not here , I/not I consolations of being out of step with a materialistic universe that doesn’t ask permission before it incarnates people willy nilly because of never ending piss taking/ infinite love derived from erm itself, then…. perhaps engaging in using those elements of pissed-off-ness, even if sullied by frustrated gloating or any other less-than-virtuous-motivated-motive, then we begin to feel and assume engagement in significance and absorbtion instead of fantastical displacement activity such as trying not to exist, when we quite clearly do, however greedy we might be of those who don’t.

Just a thought….as part of my contribution ,whilst here, to evolution.

Now back to the music.

for further info on how many political agendas does it take to have your website surveyed then read this…

and view here….

Prem Martyn

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37 Responses to It’s Up To Us To Do Something About Everything

  1. prem martyn says:

    Don’t all post at once .. there’s a queue you know…

  2. Tanks PM. Deep and thoughtful as always.

    Our (Osho’s) rebellion didn’t work. They got us to “fight them” because they are good at “fighting” and we are not.

    All the old-rebels have been showing to the younger generation is that rebellion does not work because the structures they were rebelling against, not only are still here, they are now even stronger and mainly because of ‘those rebellious actions in the past’.

    >> (from the video) They are taken to CMU because they have a strong network of support …

    Today I am not sure if you know, that “Animal Activism” is second in “their sights” after Al Qaeda. So what do you go and do? Paint a target on your back!

    >> Further, this website is tracked for significant communications of all the contributors, by vested interests of the government agencies for any forms of dissent …

    Why do you think we talk bollox 99% of the time? Heh?

  3. prem martyn says:

    ta for the like …

    It’s not entirely true in toto what you say re rebelling, although depending on the day of the week you could find me agreeing with you but stopping short of the implication you might be inferring that we /youth are now in thrall to descending spirals of hypocritical degeneracy with meditation replacing prayer as the Alamo of redoubt.

    Put it this way.. all my friends have to be personally insulted by me as a way of life and continuously tested for their endurance in the field of fire….failing which they have to invent new insults for me… I find religious sincerity deeply insincere…

    we are all the great players of our own mischief ,the derring-do farcical tragi-comedies .. and we replay our own company over and over again…just in case we haven’t learnt the role yet…..24/7
    so why not act out like Osh did….
    the fact that this me is ‘supposed’ to be socially hidden is absurd in itself and requires even more effort to keep it under wraps, which is just another self wrestling role. Rebelling isn’t actually an appropriate term, but truth-liver sounds like a medical condition.
    ‘ tsk tsk tsk, I say Doctor.. he has truth liver.’…”put him on a course of anti-repressants immediately”

    The holy ‘going in’ is just like the power of the prayer was to our ancestors, it’s a new-old code for opening up, dropping the mind, letting go, etc etc.. Go in .. you were never out !!! In fact out is the last place most people go. Because we still think of in as an in which we haven’t fully visited, and that creates hungup dopplegangers. Me and myself, thinking to myself i thought that … Basil Fawlty thrashing the car that won’t start with a tree branch…
    Overheard me to myself conversation…” Right I’m warning you , you are only making it worse for yourself.. if you don’t go in….fully.. go on that’s it… not like that.. you have to do it with more waawaaaaa…. god you utterly selfish bastard… i’m leaving”.

    anyway back to the script…
    I have seen in my lifetime how things have in some way evolved, and yet not at all also.
    The growth hormone for this was not surrender, but as I said to an undercover policewoman on a long protest bus ride once, we just can’t keep our mouths shut.. we don’t have a work, in the home, in the family etc etc etc.. The colour drained from her face as her colleague intervened….
    If you have a choice then these things don’t matter …in fact doing anything to create change without the notion that heaven is all the way to heaven is just postponement……… but when you are compelled by some sort of self enduring agency.. and fuelled by the trenchant absurdity that Havel pointed to over and over well…you just can’t help yourself…

    that’s why I dressed in beach shorts and turned up with a towel and inflatable ring, when in Budapest last May at my teaching course, for the dressing appropriately for work day. I said , the seaside would be an ideal place….. the proto communist instructor found himself short of concepts that morning….

    ”Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous ; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not.”

    As for the bollox… i type so much that I’m thinking of getting a piano for my dexterous fingers and turning all this into tunes instead….

    The first tune would be .. Do your balls hang low do you tie them in a bow.. altogether now….

  4. shantam prem says:

    Martyn, If we meet for a dinner I will order only vegetarian, to salute your passion for fighting for a cause!

    • prem martyn says:

      Cheers Shantam, I reckon it will have to be in Ibiza where I’ve heard the veg food is great !

  5. prem martyn says:

    understanding our scripts through deliberately recreating them is what NLP is all about…

    it’s about becoming metacognitively knowing of how something arises so that it can be reproduced consciously through induction…. based on the work of Bandler Erickson Dilts et al
    subtle theatre of the body mind…

    how we become programmed… used for ethical and unethical measures..
    here is derren brown working on reproducing sacred experience

    I think it’s a useful insight into how our experience is not solely ‘ owned ‘ by an conductive supraconscious agent, (enlightened guide) but through our own engagement, or lack of it through inductions .. either conscious or unconscious immersion. We’ve had LSD, we’ve got technical, meditative bio-chemical, psychological, chakric, transconscious methods. Now we have associative symbiotic mood shifting.
    It’s in no way an attempt to reduce possibilities to solely one ‘theory’ but to add to our understanding range.

    I think this puts rooms of religious converts in bedsheets into context, yet again. A context that is used like a bosch power drill over the millennia for blessing ? Why always white bedsheets ?

  6. I don’t really know what you are saying PM. You might be too complex for your own good. I recommend more Zorba, much more Zorba.

    By the way, it would easier to convert moslems to xtianity than greeks to vegetarianism …

    My Big Fat Greek Wedding “He don’t eat no meat?”

    • prem martyn says:

      I had one of my very few satoris after reading Zorba the Greek …..
      one full moon night…
      it’s true… when I was but a sannyas virgin in the Green Hotel on Bundgarden Rd….funny things happen in buddhafields….

      wonder if Derren Brown could reproduce that…

      I wasn’t making sense ? I was actually practising the ancient art of gibberish, BV, not to worry.

      cheers for the vid

      • prem martyn says:

        BV the 11.07 post of mine works if you read it as paragraph by paragraph.. its about living life without ambitiousness for the inner self and letting all that propaganda about a meditative template just be trashed. Why not Make your own meditations and call it anything that suits you to give it purpose if you need…. i’ve stopped this compartmentalisation of experience….its all it. Inner Meditative Purpose is just stylised hype.

        secondly i hope some nlp-ers get the language of my 1.27 post .. watching the derren brown vid is self explanatory for basic guide to nlp

        • prem martyn says:
          >> …. i’ve stopped this compartmentalisation of experience….its all it.

          I don’t doubt it for a mo.

          >> Inner Meditative Purpose is just stylised hype.

          The word “Purpose” confuses me. The “Purpose” is always “Entertainment”.

          “Inner Meditative”??? Is there an “Outer Meditative”. Samuel Jackson reckons you always look good in pictures if you look like like you are thinking about something and that is the only time I do the medative. Is that what you mean?

          • prem martyn says:

            BV, i’m not selling this meditwatsit stuff, so you’ll have to ask someone who does…

            i think we’ve already caught the wave of the in out semantics quite well….’nuff said…

  7. Lokesh says:

    LSD put me off meat back in the sixties. Vegetarianism is an asthetic thing as I see it. I rarely eat meat but I do love fish. I also have qualms about it when swimming in the sea and viewing marine species. Last year I dived down and freed a large octopus from a trap. I watched as he pulsed down into the depths and disappeared into the shadows. Setting him free made me feel good, but I’ll bet the fisherman was majorly pissed off about his broken trap. can’t please everyone.

    • prem martyn says:

      Loving fish is no problem,

      but you mean the man who eats them raw out of the tank in a Fish called Wanda who loves fish, sort of love….. mmm?

      In Bristol acquarium the Octopus there has to have his toys replaced because he gets bored, even doing the rubik cube, and sinks back into his underwater pot and sulks.

      When you hear of Arun’s stories of Osho and animals, all sorts.. well even St Francis would cheer and weep.

      do not look at live octopus eating in Korea on youpuke, as it might sway your opinion into thinking that actually North and South is a bit like dog eat dog and deserve each other.

      Giving carnivores a hard time , I agree with you there Lokesh, is actually high on my list of aesthetic pursuits …..which is why I’ll be at Veggie Pride Fest in Geneva (see link) with my best beautiful meditative voice and insulting placard…

      …Oh and also to make sure the media have me, the World representative of the Osho ECHITNDI foundation speaking about Osho’s vision for dietary love.

      Last time I was chatted up by the media I appeared as part of a full colour spread for one of Belgium’s weekly colour mags, interviewed by a female reporter ( Joanie de Rijke ) who later went to Afghanistan got kidnapped, then released for big ransom. Moral of the story ??

      Today placards, tomorrow editorship of Sannyas Veganistan News… it’s obvious innit ?

      • prem martyn says:

        As regards your dietary penchants Lokesh… you might actually be a reincarnated Cathar Parfait ,if you restrict yourself to fish and veg.. but you really ought to just eat it flappingly live, eskimo style, not just raw, and certainly not cooked for all the benefits and let the no self off the hook of having your fish and eating it, without the aesthetic preamble.The smell of fish is aesthetic ?
        Are we talking the same fish here ?
        Maybe you get yours from the English Chanel.

        • Lokesh says:

          Octopi are mysterious creatures. They love to gather shiney shells and line them up on a shelf to admire. It sometimes works to their disadvantage as speargun fishers know their ways.

  8. SCIFI says:

    heyyyy Pe POLE … wazzzzzUP !!! i am nothingness AKA scifi.

    • prem martyn says:

      This blog is about Octopee..and how you can catch from them Totnes Mutual Congratulation Introverted Aspiration Syndrome ‘ when after bathing in sea water the victim is grabbed and bittten near their tentacles.
      Be careful out there, it may look harmless but you could remain unaware of how unaware you are …..for life.

  9. prem martyn says:

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  10. prem martyn says:

    Goodbye Thatcher,
    Goodbye Galtieri and the fascists, Goodbye Putin, Goodbye Bush, Goodbye Blair, Goodbye Ayatollahs, Goodbye Obama,Goodbye DNPK, Goodbye Asian Dog Stranglers and Eaters.

    Talk truth to power…

    Thank you Osho.

  11. prem martyn says:

    Sting later became infamous however for this…

    following his more personally fulfilling Tantric lessons and internal enquiry from top internal aviator and space case pilot ,Paul Lowe , aka motivation specialist and penis healer, the former Teertha of Pune 1.

    it’s amazing how much spirituality can really inform our ethics and sensitized self when we re-arrange our frustration into de facto fait accompli…Hey presto, acquiescent Magic baba. !

    I’m awaiting Moo-cow-jis single , every Cow’s throat you slit.

    • prem martyn says:

      Sting’s justification at the end of this above article is haunting for a man who could donate all his royalties instead of his volte faces as a testimony for his music.

      • All the countries surrounding Russia and China are going to be our friends and their enemies (especially if they have oil) and that is the end of that. Now if it means we have to send them some geriatric pop stars and royals to achieve it well so be it, no matter who or what they boil for breakfast.

        Sting was good in the early days but for that last quarter of a century he has been a twat.

        I am still waiting to see your plan on how we are going to do it ourselves …

  12. Pingback: reply to shantam , unpublished from me on Sannyasnews | Oshopirates

  13. prem martyn says:

    Come to International Veggie Pride in Geneva.May 18 demo. Its very meditative and good for the no self. Arun won’t be there or Sheela or Amrito or the Greek Afroz Meditation Centre Kapos… or Devateeth or Gurdjieff or MooCow ji as they are busy raising consciousness….but I will….and so will Osho….

    kiss kiss


    In October 2011, the European Vegetarian Union reported that the French government’s Décret 2011-1227 and associated Arrêté (September 30, 2011) effectively outlaws the serving of vegan meals at any public or private school in France. Similar decrees are proposed for kindergartens, hospitals, prisons and retirement homes.[25]

  14. prem martyn says:

    they give 100 thousand euros a year from their ‘activism’ to sponsor Amazon tribes…

    ”FFF does in fact, have a solid record when it comes to the “forest” part of their equation. While accounting may not look like their strong suit, Leona estimates that the non-profit organisation has made in the region of €100,000 (£85,000) a year, since it started in 2004. Their website details how the money has been spent on buying up land and promoting permaculture and indigenous lifestyles in Brazil, Peru and other countries. And as the film attests, they also live a frugal lifestyle, wearing clothes and eating food they find in rubbish bins, rather than spending the charity’s money.”

    funky monkey…

    • prem martyn says:

      fff donated here to slovakian bears and wolf protection buy buying land in perpetuity. Havel also donated, to the same forest.

      the million euros it has donated in 9 years of fucking online is probably less than a few days of profits made by Osho Fuckit International in just a few seasons of its historical investments to save consciousness for humanity via lawyers in New York…..or car parks.
      money which has disappeared into swiss accounts that only sannyassin canadian fugitives from the Tax man are privvy to.

      And if anyone wants to know yes I donated when I had the cash to environmental and land purchase stuff , though I don’t think anyone would pay to see my donger online now, I support any fellow sannyasinners to join up.

      Crazy ……I hope so.

  15. prem martyn says:

    Prem Martyn would like to announce his forthcoming trainings at the Osho Paradisia Centre somewhere in Europe.

    Owing to the fantastic success of last year’s events where over 10 million people attended the ‘Hello and what’s your name’ festival.

    This year we have gone all 60′s nostalgia , remembering how we would often sit in the park and strum a guitar and then feel uplifted in the company of friends who just happened to be as high as a kite on some illegal cocktail.
    But our event is slighly different …you will get high simply through our prestige, which is quite remarkable really, as our ability to entertain anybody for longer than a few minutes in private company is severely limited. In fact we prefer to dine away from participants if possible, and at least at a separate table.

    Yes, this year We will be renaming our festivals Oshenge and Oshtonbury, just to get you in the mood.
    Luckily you will be in safe hands with a bunch of professional rebels who between them can count years of living in their own company and having others pay them for the privilege.

    Here is the Calendar of Events….
    Day 1 Morning
    Turn up and pay us a big wadge of cash for the coming three day bonanza.
    Day 1 A bit later.. Watch us as one of us goes down to the bank to cash the cheques.

    Day 1 Later still. Notice how some of us actually have a lot of experience in soft skill selling which will leaves you wanting to have the same intense look and smiles that we have, and leave you with a feeling that you must be missing out. That bit is actually quite clever of us we think. Even though we won’t ever tell you what our private lives are really like.That isn’t for sale.Ever.

    Day 1 Slightly later still and slightly delayed welcome as microphone speaker system is replaced with a loud hailer, owing to a technical hitch. Instructions by loud hailer help to keep order together with a handy whistle and a fog horn.

    The first actual meditation will be to listen to the number of trainings we have ourselves trained in over the years which should wow you with enough admiration so as not to be so stupid as to ask any further questions. If at this point you do not feel impressed enough , we will be handing out cardboard cut out faces of ourselves, which will help you disguise the profound and deep intimidation at being yourself and wanting to instead be more like us.
    These faces come in a range of easy to cut out masked looks including smiley,
    happy smiley,
    smiley happy,
    intense and conscious,
    knowing and smiley or just plain more powerful than you, you paying pillock.

    After lunch we will be trying to make sense of what exactly the ‘White robe swanning around am I bother-hood’ is all about including the discovery of how being very close to a master can actually build whole communities of aspiring wannabes.

    The evening concert will consist of favourite tunes sung by our resident Insannyas ,laden-with-deep-significance-music-Band, including :
    PlinkyPlonky on Bass
    Perky Planka on Drums
    Plonker Lonker on Flute
    Dinky Dulala on Tambourine
    and Stunning Vocals by The Swedish Chef from the Muppets.
    With their favourite Indian Tunes including
    Maha Accountanta Loves Dis Songji
    We are all rebels , Gosh yes we are aren’t we ?
    Where did I park my Range Rover, beloved Osho.?

    Please book early as we have our reputations to pay for together with the rent on our outstanding mortgages.

    *Prem Martyn has trained in Star Gazing neo Wish Fulfilment, Core Cleansing and Wallet Draining, Being Happier and More Conscious than You are because you’re new to this Game, Osho Orgasmic Hand Tantra, Sacred Wholistic Dance Worship and Not Spotting any Talent, with advanced Talent Spotting on Tuesday Nights. SunnShine Skycloud Inner Vision with Maha Hoho Valium Tyrebendazole.

  16. prem martyn says:

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    Sannyas News becomes too successful and writers face unemployment.

    In a herald of things to come, one of the internet’s most succesful and true to Osho’s vision magazines, is facing an article shortage.

    Despite hurling invective and well-appointed personal disappointment across thousands of miles in a daily broadcast of libertarian values, this indomitable ship faces a skeleton crew that has been recently left high and dry (no ice )
    The editor has complained of poorly written contributions, missed deadlines, bad punctuation and spoling mastooks worthy of premmary scholl.
    In a mad dash to ramp-up circulation from its famous peak of 1883, when the original Wisden’s and Home Batting Analyser became Atrophy News then later the Bearded Gazette, and much much later the Anarcho Syndicalist Zen and Osho Money Maker, Sannyas News has struggled to invest in new technology and failed to take heed of competition from anti- social networking sites, such as itself.Or

    In late night negotiations with a mysterious underwriter and new age promoter, who refused to reveal his name (Parpert Rupdoch ) Sannyas News editors have been seen taking large thermoses filled with tea and tiffin into the retirement home headquarters ready for the nervous negotiations aimed at saving Osho’s favourite weekly Beano, the SunSpot News and Hot Air Releaser.

    In a statement to Deliberately Unconscious TV, the popular New Age side-splitting, consciousness, hair-raising and family TV entertainment channel, an editor who refused to give his name (Sw.Darth Vharmden) was heard to reminisce that things would never have got this bad if they had only given him a pay rise instead of advice on how to cook tasty meals for one, from a selection of Linda Mcartneys Fine Frozen Foods for Advaeaters.

    There have been positive signs however , which have proven how necessary a dystopian voice filled with thousands of pounds worth of opinion garnered from a barely literate readership is, to the urgent need to prevent Global Warbling by the self-satisfied and self-appointed crown heads of Europe ,who just happen to be the world’s most funky, secret rebel readers of this hugely popular organ. Especially if they are morganatically-marrying, upwardly mobile seekers, finders or keepers of other people’s proletarian less fortunate than her, loot, lot. Who wouldn’t know universal truths even if they were to be bitten on their non-enlightened arses. What a germane thought that is to sleep with at night, eh ? If you can bear to live with yourself that is. Fat chance of that, eh ? So why not book now for some integrity , go on…(see adverts)

    Anyway back to the news. In a watershed moment, worthy of the worst news to hit the New Age stock market, now estimated to be worth billions in undeclared cash transactions, Primal Therapists have clubbed together to suppress the news getting through from the writing and article-thirsty, front desk. And that is, that …Sunshine News is likely to get a make-over, which would mean taking in revenue from ‘appropriate advertising’.
    When asked what this might be, the leader of the ‘Primal Stick the Boot in and Scream you m**th*r F*c*k*R’ Osho tendency (Ma Brando Tarantino) speaking from a safe house on a Greek island, or perhaps Denmark, or was it Israel said … , ‘ whilst we feel and blah blah blah feel , blah blah blah feel.. blahh blah, just watch your tits if you know what’s good for you.’

    ” Well that sort of says it all really, because if we knew what was good for us we wouldn’t be in this endless sorry saga would we, or paying for your groups for advice” , replied a source close to Sannays News who refused to be named although he had lived next door to them on a Greek island once (Swimmy Pram Swam Swum).

    The latest news is that although recent contributors have taken some hefty internal bickering side-swipes, in what was seen as a purge of unfaithful party card carrying cadres …..the funeral of Sungrateful News will NOT now go ahead, and that the editors wishes have been respected in a last ditch effort at preventing Kim Il Sann from launching a pre-emptive strike at closing this last bastion of Osho Freedom . and all sensible nice people who just love to smile from a place of deep knowing. ( £250 the weekend plus discount for early birds).

    Sannyas News has informed us that a Glossy all-colour version complete with Lifestyle and Handy Home Tea-Pot-Warmer Knitting Tips, plus a cut down section for short meaningless mirthless jokes overwritten by loads of more important self satisfying gibberish, will be on the shelves next week, and so will its readership, (with an average age of 93.)

    Stay tuned.
    (is all you need .. ,altogether now….with thanks to the Beatles who made an alternative version of all this years ago, which you could actually sing along to for just 7/6d or 35 pence.)

    • prem martyn says:

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      ps, the the’ mirthless joke’ line was written as a swipe at OshOrthodoxy and its mouthpieces like osho news, which have no understanding of invective nonsense and are frightened of it. Its not related to your piece overleaf, and indeed I wrote it before noticing your new post on the horse joke.

      I have re written that line in my own website to make the mickey taking clearer.

      Cheers from the back of beyond..lovely mountain day here…


  17. prem martyn says:

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    I believe this is the Life Affirming Video that tells it visually …
    Enjoy…and unite…
    wherever and whenever we can…

  18. prem martyn says:

    Congratulations to the m5s movement for using internocratics and networking to shift the stupor and criminal mind set that was post war italy…

    personally I consider the access to consciousness to be speeding up as a notional possibility in all spheres.. it’s at least on the map now, because of networking and the spread of information…and evolution..

  19. prem martyn says:

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    Well that’s an interesting question from so many angles…Shantam…
    I will draw up a list of possible considerations..

    Do you have an hour spare to read…..?

    Objectively consider this, some history…
    1) As the British have a terrible interpersonal emotive fluency/ intelligence due in large part to a war mongering, patrician , lack of indulgent maternal-affective range or bonding in childhood, televisual domesticity, where interaction is sponsored by sterile tv drama and where the pirates get drunk at the weekends to connect with others, with fists not hugs, we then get Robots.

    2)In compensation we try to cathart the residue or frustrated puss through individual eccentricity, conviviality , music and well observed laughter-based rebellion to the world, as understood recently by the non english IrishScotsman Danny Boyle who sold the olympic Queen to the world.
    We as a culture have understood the need for deep unbridled satire since at least Shakespeare and on through the 17th century writers and pamphleteers, into the vegetarian scientists(Newton )and veg romanticists (Shelley ,Wollstencraft, Godwin. Keats ) and into women throwing themselves under horses for the right to vote before WW1.We thus led the world in different good ways too.

    3) After the two world wars the UK working class were no longer willing or able to take orders from a class elite. So a private professional army was eventually formed, like piratical privateers, and unions developed(to protect class) out of the Anarchist movements of the 19th century …which btw Churchill was adamant in destroying, including the shooting of miners at Tony Pandy in the 20′s on his orders and the suppression of Anarchist unions and the hanging of mutinous sailors, when he was lord of the fleet.

    Thatcher came in at the point of loss of faith in domestic markets and the opening up of the global capital markets to unfettered control by stock and banks.The UK was in an enviable position to re-organise its economy because of the billions coming in from oil. This was able to welfare pay support the closing ‘uneconomic’ coal and steel and manufacturing industries. The social networks of smaller vulnerable communities which had grown familiar with post war growth, and state socialist agreements were now being disposed of especially in the industrial north.

    Now step in Thatcher as the petty bourgeois ambitious girl inspired by Churchillian values to put the UK up for sale. She took elocution english lessons to transform her speech into middle english and all the post ww2 trauma emotionally traumatized boys lined up in her cabinet ,for this matron from their boarding schools to guide them into being proper prefects and administering the bitter medicine to the rest of the school.

    In return for disbanding union agreed five year collective bargaining pacts, some of the aspiring petty bourgeois public were given profits from multiple share deals which they had to buy to get rich quick, house prices rose then crashed and , you could buy then sell your council home, if you had a job to do that with, which was perfect for the richer south east and conservative heartlands.

    She also faced down a war with Argentine dictators who having been put there by Americans in ’76 wanted the oil under the Falklands . On winning the war , with the support of the US military satellites,she obviously achieved cult status. In the meantime her robotic emotionally traumatised but very typical english manner became divisive with further political losses including the Poll tax, and her distance from her own political cadres.The matron wanted now to be the headmaster, and this her public schoolboy cabinet resented, and eventually brought her down.She also had to make concessions in Ireland.She was very very lucky to have a man of the intelligence of Gorbachev to negotiate with as it was likely that Reagan could have pushed his paranoid predecessors into a North Korean type scenario.with her assent.

    So in 11 years a lot of internal confrontations, which led to the narcissism of Blair’ s Thatcherite policies (he was from Eton public school ) and uncontrolled wars. She epitomises the ruling political apparatchiks,who though they appease and manage and massage the voters are separate from them. What is less understood is how politics is the new religion which determines our cultural and intellectual and emotive interactions through defining how authority works and what is expected for social cohesion in a command type culture.

    When Oliver Cromwell died in the 17th century, his body was disinterred and his head removed from the skeleton in a symbolic judgement from the returning Royalty.Purges and hangings continued of Cromwell’s supporters.

    In the UK we have now become less radical in Parliament than ever our history allowed, so that our only green MP was voted in last year. This is partly the result of winning two world wars, where the society and political processes becomes comfortable with itself, not needing thought itself but simply the institutional reliable power of ‘due process’, without appearing to want to dictate to its electorate, Russian style,…. or removing the poor from believing in their own democracy American style, so that they end up not voting, or being able to organise. An average of 60% of the US votes, and for mainstream parties.The rest being effectively disenfranchised in cultural and real poverty.

    In the UK only around 40% were voting during the Thatcher years with her getting significant territorial votes, but not in absolute poll numbers because of the UK system. 60-ish per cent wasn’t bothering to vote by the end of her term…(normally around 30 percent don’t.) This is what happens when you remove the hope of change that democratic language bombast requires, for its legitimacy. Her confrontational style was therefore losing the legitimacy for her new world.The posts were shifting but she wasn’t.

    If the day ever comes when Bush and Blair are tried for War Crimes,i will be popping champagne. In personal terms I and my immediate world benefited from her economic policies, in small but significant ways,but it wasn’t through her employment policies but her financial ones.That is also as a result of being in the right place at the right time,or even luck of the draw, astuteness, and living in a world made by others coercion and gain , and having some left over too.
    Its all another era in my memory and not significant enough to even clap about.
    If you want to enjoy that period and understand its own forms of double speak, just sit back and tune into spitting image videos on you tube. Its like today’s Simpsons but much more relaxed and user friendly.
    Moral of story …
    If you use the police state and army to bolster your image in confrontation, ultimately you have to pay the price of disapproval, as when Blair had to resign quietly because his MPs would not further support a war mongerer, once they realised he had lied to Parliament over Iraq.
    Thatcher is an institutional target for all the lack of engagement people are forced to endure whilst being used . When I travel I often ask when will the war on terror be over , so I can pack my toothpaste normally. This is my my small attempt at not allowing political mindsets to cloud over our ability to engage and relate, and to remove the emotive authority the state fear depends on. I memorably brought the connecting bag check to a halt in a uk airport when some teenage spotty clown tried to tell me that my plastic see through box had to be replaced by a plastic bag for a £1 , having travelled as cleared by Prague airport security. I used big cathartic voice ,theatre style, to ask if the Germans had actually won the war and were we subject to military officers and law now ? About a huindred people were hushed in reverence at my clappable performance.

    Now then ask Parmartha why he won’t allow bare breasted Femen girls photographed shouting Putin is a dictator to him , the day before yesterday onto this site ? I’d be very interested to know the answer.


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