Jerry Springer to advise Osho international on Conflict Resolution… shock !

Sannyarns News is proud to present a new format to its online discussions.

The brand new format will take a look forward to the next 30 years where only futuristic versions of spiritual visions will be allowed, instead of the usual guff , and erm, valuable insights. Together with our new resident AGONY AUNT advice feature we are sure that many contributors will be in a better position to produce the highest quality 20/20 insights for optimum resolution of our differing views on these way past their sell by date ideas.

We start this week with a familiar issue for many readers…..

Dear Agony Aunt,
Recently I have been looking at the men’s column here for some inspiration and furtive pleasure.

Despite re-arranging the furniture since Stan passed on, I find that I’m not exactly sure if I can claim for further benefits, advice or spiritual assistance to help me get through the week. I often find I’m quite dependent on your reply form , to help me feel better.

I had a very nice man visit from the department of Spiritual Benefits, who said that I was probably suffering from a severe case of non-judgementalism, and that I should keep track of my opinions and in case they created any further trouble that I should start writing them all out, as it usually helped with these severe cases of internal Vipblahblahssana

Ps. I’m not sure if I need advice or just a device to get me in the mood for what Stan used to help himself to, regularly, on a Saturday morning.

Ma Blogg Rolle

to which our Agony Aunt replies,

Dear Ma,
Yes I really understand how much ‘not allowing’ you must be going through.

It must be very difficult for you not having observed your own but others’ thoughts for all these years, especially as the more rubbish ones seem to catch up with us over time.

One of the most distressing aspects you mention is being unable to let go into the divan. Have you tried those lovely recliner chairs advertised for the elderly seeker… the Parker Knowall ? Where you can put your feet up and snooze through the more irritating reminiscences ? When you find that your aloneness is a bit of a monster that surfaces from time to time, try taking photos of it , and we will publish them here for discussion.

Obviously you must be missing Stan’s devotional tongue tip taste of Tao, on Saturdays, but help is at hand.

Hope that helps. If necessary, pretend everything is fine and just as the master would have wanted.

Regards and Best Blessings,


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