much ado about …

New Online Commune in Shock and absorbing scandal

Osho’s instructions for a futuristic online commune with maximum readership and minimum hugging has allegedly received absolutely no funding from anyone at all, shock.

Despite allegations of being funded by an anonymous typist with multiple personality disorder, investigations have discovered that the Vision for the 21st century of a virtual commune were laid years ago by this Zen Master looking at an empty telly screen.

These allegations of absolutely nothing providing endless realisations when the plug was switched to the On position are in line with what Vedic commenters have traditionally been doing for years , says our correspondent, ‘ Going Aum and Aum and Aum about nothing in particular ‘.
Once prized as a highly beneficial singular activity, online it is now recognised as what Osho would have wanted as a technological solution for our worst devices, including thinking aloud and no thinking allowed.

Meditation tip for the day… Be a Delete unto yourself.

Reply here or on my oshopirates facebook link at bottom of right side column.