the long and winding post unpublished from sannyasnews re the marketplace

      • prem martyn says:

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        One of most fundamental contributions Osho gave to me and us was the reminder that we live in a deeply manic , violent and phobic society, not just robotic as described by Gurdjieff or filled with selves who think they exist but don’t, according to advaitists like ganga /papa/ meatymooji. And it’s up to us to do something about everything. Or die trying or laughing at the effort.

        Osho’s existence was a direct call to attention of the role of state violence and conditioned vested, bondaged mentality in limiting life. Osho, the man and his voice was a direct target of this mania and violence through the history of the ending of the ranch , his institutional imprisonment and the forced retreat to the backwaters of India.Whatever you think of Karma , you still have to choose a target of preference, and mine is always the vested power of the state and its agents.

        By not only opening up the conversations , but by being an example of unsilenceable integrity against oppression, he stood as unique testimony to the role of the state in being the agent of violence, through corporate and institutionalized, cradle to grave suppression. This also was a warning to us as evidenced by all the exchanges we have had on here, at SN, as regards our own failures to safeguard ourselves from our own Quislings.

        However where all other self-realized One’s miserably fail and weakly, cowardly so, is in removing the notion of consciousness from actualizing its effects and being responsible for it in the world as we go. And through redemptive accountability for the world which we make and agree to on the way to prescribed cosmic unity. They, the other you-tube realized Ones , refuse and fail to confront the world on it’s own terms, and provide nothing useful in fundamental collective, humanist and accessible examples as a radical or inspiring voice …not a single rebel voice amongst them.

        By attempting to shortcut or prune their concerns into the actualizing of other-worldly consciousness they do a disservice to the experience of life itself, and prevent that solidarity which arises from collective social and parallel engagement. Engagement that confronts the world from which consciousness itself is painfully born.

        Further, this website is tracked for significant communications of all the contributors, by vested interests of the government agencies for any forms of dissent that refer back to anything Osho represented as being potentially threatening to their political agenda. SN would be rated on that scale of things to watch, because of what happened in the States, whereas all the other ji ji’s just have nice disciples, we had troublesome for the State and each other ones.

        The fact that none of us engage in that kind of effective debate here is not due to what Osho was capable of, and inspired, but what we have left OUT of the whole picture that our lives around him now represent in his material absence. That trouble-making provocative fire, where others are cool and insignificant by their lack of immersion or example.

        Personally, as most of you should know well by now, I have a line in the sand for other sannyasins who have no interest in the consequences of Osho’s complete legacy to us, either in their personal or collective lives. That legacy includes libertarian radicalism, and animal compassionate humanist concerns. When actions are taken with integrity towards a complete fellowship with what Osho did, how he was able to voice with precision the double speak of hypocrisy, he offered a more relevant and complete understanding of humans living in suffering and responsible for the ecology of their own internal and external world.That’s why I have only had veggy girlfriends all my adult life and currently live with a dumb but kind hearted vegan.(ouch, she just thumped me).

        To me it is a great shame that there are not the given examples of that intention, as living, thriving parallel self-sufficient politically confronting communities of complete political intent, and part of that failure was/is in resting upon introspection and psychology as being the solely formative representations of his market-place legacy.

        I take very small initiatives here in lambasting those who claim anything less than a veg-eatarian lifestyle as being representative of what sannyas was and is ethically all about. I cannot sponsor now or before by my energies, those who want to be liberated and engage in the search for personal liberation whilst still being incapable of making some simple first steps.This has actually prevented me, happily so, from investing in the manifest hypocrisy of either therapist, meditation mongerers or those who espouse and mouth platitudes in Osho’s name.

        Some of you will know about me living on a Greek island for some years and some of you will be surprised to know that the money backing the Osho centre there comes from a family who make or at least made then , their money from meat packing on the mainland. Draw your own conclusions about me or them, but just to let you know I have never been back and avoided the centre whilst living next door to it, literally for that and other reasons.

        Now my opinion may not prevent hypocritical cruelty per se, but it comes down to who or what do you support when offered a choice, and in whose company in the market place. Further there are two Greek sannyas restaurants cafes there which make money from the selling every day of flesh. This was never my version of rebellion, and although I socialized and very rarely had a coffee at these places, my laughter was always tempered by the fact that despite our affinities we were never going to be deep friends. Somethings don’t wash, including spearfishing, lamb lard dinners, octopus legs and the tethering of a goat in the yard ready for slaughter at easter before the centre opened.

        Most of the Greeks I met there were very very primitive in this regard and it came as no surprise when the cholesterol addicted centre leader dropped dead just a few years ago. There is a limit to hypocrisy. Some of you may even accuse me here of enjoying a dead gloat. As long as it died naturally, I have no problem with that.

        So what of all this, well this piece comes about after watching what I could bear to watch about cruelty to animals on You Tube, prompted tangentially by the simple comment of elephants Lokesh made. It is not legally permissible to describe what I would like to do to the elephant torturers of Ringlings circus in the States, although I spent eight long weeks in Virginia chasing them up and down the state, informing the public what exactly went into this vindictive and cruel plebean circus market of so called childrens’ entertainment for the proles and by criminals. Luckily the Chief of Police in Norfolk VA then, was a feminist woman who sympathised with our actions and who knew very well of the circus’s employees criminality, some having been prosecuted for other offences prior so her force was instructed not to impede our protests.

        So if anyone is reading this and could use my activist thoughts and experience in a location where consciousness, fun, ethical integrity and libertarian libidos come together , do drop me a line.

        Further, when we ask ourselves what to do with living with oneself and how to best address the schizophrenic being /not being, here /not here , I/not I consolations of being out of step with a materialistic universe that doesn’t ask permission before it incarnates people willy nilly because of never ending piss taking/ infinite love derived from erm itself, then…. perhaps engaging in using those elements of pissed-off-ness, even if sullied by frustrated gloating or any other less-than-virtuous-motivated-motive, then we begin to feel and assume engagement in significance and absorbtion instead of fantastical displacement activity such as trying not to exist, when we quite clearly do, however greedy we might be of those who don’t.

        Just a thought….as part of my contribution ,whilst here, to evolution.

        Now back to the music.

        for further info on how many political agendas does it take to have your website surveyed then read this…

        and view here….

      • prem martyn says:

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        and this isn’t written by me but is very funny … a typical and very truthful rendition of all things english teaching…

        as an example…i send the jobs application page

        the writer is a genius…

One thought on “the long and winding post unpublished from sannyasnews re the marketplace

  1. this is a good one too…unprinted from SN

    A lot of people worry needlessly, but if you like telling yarns then why not worry while knitting-needlessly.
    If the yarn is long enough, it will make a nice jumper and scarf, similar to the one Doctor Who was famous for. Thinking of which, typing here is a bit like the Tardis. Sometimes you can type and type and type, and then press send, and the time lords Dharmen and Parmartha will remove any trace of your previous thoughts reaching public scrutiny with their deadly , delayed, but accurate, power of moderation blog warp.

    I like to give them a good run for their money , by sending all sorts of links from morning until night. However big P is very nifty on his feet and can usually spot a ruse in under 12 seconds or twelve hours if it’s not his shift.

    The main thing is to stick to the point and keep our time lords happy. The way I have done this is to keep a template in the cupboard with a stencil that has the words Osho, ranch, spirituality, Margate, therapy, and self wrestling , already inked up, so that I just have to fill in the gaps with any topic Sannyas News throws up. I haven’t had the chance to use Margate as part of the discussions here , mostly because our international readership has no idea of the relevance of our glorious pier group culture, which I always look forward to, if not up to on a bank holiday weekend, celebrating that nirvanesque shingly beach where the great British public has shed their nominal conditioned identities, and adopted the freedom of the inner self, near the ocean of existence.

    Of course you can use any resort you like, and it seems there is a tendency here for some to keep using another ready made template nominating one in India. Shantam has made a hobby of sticking his stencils in a row, and spraying the words in, and Parmartha being a reasonable chap lets him get away with this Banksyesqueness. Who knows, these ready made bits of graffiti could be worth thousands in years to come , providing Dharmen and Parmartha with a steady income on the royalties for Shantamsky’s work.

    As you can see there are so many options for writing here that I could just go on and on. One further tip is be a little bit eccentric but don’t lose it completely, as P and D have day jobs and do all this for free, so if you wind up winding them up, you are likely to be left having to reply to yourself offline, if you know what I mean.

    Lastly there are some very fine writers here and evenings of SN blog readings are held once a month at the Advaita Research Institute for Profane Insults , Outrageous Judgements, Loaded Bigotry, G spot Techniques and Spiritual Insight. Biscuits and tea served at the interval.

    As I have been very lucky recently to have won a holiday in North Korea, I may not be able to keep up with my blogs here on SN , although i do understand that this experience in being moderated whilst discussing lofty ideals and opinions will come in very handy.

    I wish you and all the other contributors and team, fair weather and a fine breeze….

    may this boat bounce beautifully along the briny sea…and all who sail in her..


    prem martyn says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    6 April, 2013 at 1:53 am

    prem martyn says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    6 April, 2013 at 2:27 am


Reply here or on my oshopirates facebook link at bottom of right side column.