1. prem martyn says:

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    Sannyas News becomes too successful and writers face unemployment.

    In a herald of things to come, one of the internet’s most succesful and true to Osho’s vision magazines, is facing an article shortage.

    Despite hurling invective and well-appointed personal disappointment across thousands of miles in a daily broadcast of libertarian values, this indomitable ship faces a skeleton crew that has been recently left high and dry (no ice )
    The editor has complained of poorly written contributions, missed deadlines, bad punctuation and spoling mastooks worthy of premmary scholl.
    In a mad dash to ramp-up circulation from its famous peak of 1883, when the original Wisden’s and Home Batting Analyser became Atrophy News then later the Bearded Gazette, and much much later the Anarcho Syndicalist Zen and Osho Money Maker, Sannyas News has struggled to invest in new technology and failed to take heed of competition from anti- social networking sites, such as itself. Or

    In late night negotiations with a mysterious underwriter and new age promoter, who refused to reveal his name (Parpert Rupdoch ) Sannyas News editors have been seen taking large thermoses filled with tea and tiffin into the retirement home headquarters ready for the nervous negotiations aimed at saving Osho’s favourite weekly Beano, the SunSpot News and Hot Air Releaser.

    In a statement to Deliberately Unconscious TV, the popular New Age side-splitting, consciousness, hair-raising and family TV entertainment channel, an editor who refused to give his name (Sw.Darth Vharmden) was heard to reminisce that things would never have got this bad if they had only given him a pay rise instead of advice on how to cook tasty meals for one, from a selection of Linda Mcartneys Fine Frozen Foods for Advaeaters.

    There have been positive signs however , which have proven how necessary a dystopian voice filled with thousands of pounds worth of opinion garnered from a barely literate readership is, to the urgent need to prevent Global Warbling by the self-satisfied and self-appointed crown heads of Europe ,who just happen to be the world’s most funky, secret rebel readers of this hugely popular organ. Especially if they are morganatically-marrying, upwardly mobile seekers, finders or keepers of other people’s proletarian less fortunate than her, loot, lot. Who wouldn’t know universal truths even if they were to be bitten on their non-enlightened arses. What a germane thought that is to sleep with at night, eh ? If you can bear to live with yourself that is. Fat chance of that, eh ? So why not book now for some integrity , go on…(see adverts)

    Anyway back to the news. In a watershed moment, worthy of the worst news to hit the New Age stock market, now estimated to be worth billions in undeclared cash transactions, Primal Therapists have clubbed together to suppress the news getting through from the writing and article-thirsty, front desk. And that is, that …Sunshine News is likely to get a make-over, which would mean taking in revenue from ‘appropriate advertising’.
    When asked what this might be, the leader of the ‘Primal Stick the Boot in and Scream you m**th*r F*c*k*R’ Osho tendency (Ma Brando Tarantino) speaking from a safe house on a Greek island, or perhaps Denmark, or was it Israel said … , ‘ whilst we feel and blah blah blah feel , blah blah blah feel.. blahh blah, just watch your tits if you know what’s good for you.’

    ” Well that sort of says it all really, because if we knew what was good for us we wouldn’t be in this endless sorry saga would we, or paying for your groups for advice” , replied a source close to Sannays News who refused to be named although he had lived next door to them on a Greek island once (Swimmy Pram Swam Swum).

    The latest news is that although recent contributors have taken some hefty internal bickering side-swipes, in what was seen as a purge of unfaithful party card carrying cadres …..the funeral of Sungrateful News will NOT now go ahead, and that the editors wishes have been respected in a last ditch effort at preventing Kim Il Sann from launching a pre-emptive strike at closing this last bastion of Osho Freedom . and all sensible nice people who just love to smile from a place of deep knowing. ( £250 the weekend plus discount for early birds).

    Sannyas News has informed us that a Glossy all-colour version complete with Lifestyle and Handy Home Tea-Pot-Warmer Knitting Tips, plus a cut down section for short meaningless mirthless jokes, tucked away on the back pages overwritten by loads of more important self satisfying orthodox, manic , status-validating achievement  gibberish, will be on the shelves next week, and so will its readership, (with an average age of 93) which will please the mainstream advertisers no end. A summer special of Clone World will also be printed, as a free gift.

    Stay tuned.
    (is all you need .. ,altogether now….with thanks to the Beatles who made an alternative version of all this years ago, which you could actually sing along to for just 7/6d or 35 pence.)

  2. prem martyn says:

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    I believe this is the Life Affirming Video that tells it visually …
    Enjoy…and unite…
    wherever and whenever we can…
    cheers m ..

    somewhere near my home.. far away from the hubbub..

Reply here or on my oshopirates facebook link at bottom of right side column.