Nuclear fish and chips and Quantum thoughts.

Somebody mentioned John Wayne eh.. well not so fast there me old six or seven shooter friends.. it seems Vartan has been taking up your precious time with the Tao of Physics with time, energy and the universe.. bloody typical of polymaths everywhere.. not content with owning the market in wall paper paste and associated products.. typical …anyway…

Well this town ain’t big enough for the both of us to ponder in me hearties er i mean pard’ners (sorry i went a bit johnny depp there) walk on over to the Ponderosa Ranch where.. its time to pick up a ten gallon hat’s worth of ideas and get to grips with my pardner in time, and sit down for a nice chat and some dualitea.

Ahemm this article is not for the faint hearted , semi literate , or people who appear on Jerry Springer as ex trailer on the Ranch trash and who have trouble holding their thoughts or liquor in order.

To all the rest of you… time is precious.. so enjoy the few minutes I have laid out here as a repast or snack of thought..

May I begin .. on the subject of Everlasting Energy…
Nils Bohr, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Wilhelm Reich.Einstein. Osho

Tatwamasi Swetketu… Thou art that….. That art thou. (the Baul mystics et al)

Let us consider the Higgs Bosun field and the Bohrian impossibility of evidencing ,or theoretically describing, the same co-existing event in measureable ways which includes both the measure of measurement and its co-existence with itself, (being both subject/ object) at any replicating ‘point’; …….when energy is both wave and particle, (depending on the whether one is looking for or discerning a wave or particle. ….
Viz Osho.. The Mustard Seed.. you cannot ride two horses at the same time, (although the individual horse is both horses !!!!)…>>
” This crucial point…implies the impossibility of any sharp separation between the behaviour of atomic objects [i.e., objects governed by quantum mechanics] and the interaction with the measuring instruments which serve to define the conditions under which the phenomena appear…. Consequently, evidence obtained under different experimental conditions cannot be comprehended within a single picture, but must be regarded as complementary in the sense that only the totality of the phenomenena exhausts the possible information about the objects.[1]”

Where wave and particle are both at the same time…. and time is both the wave and particle.

Where Nikola Tesla (vegetarian) demonstrated infinite self replicating free-to-air electrical energy generation and had his copyrights bankrupted out of him by industrial manipulation loaning him money to finance research see the Western Electric co.,), which at the point of conversion into electrical regeneration from the atmosphere (the building remains of which lie in New York State) , instead having the WE financiers call on the loan , then him unable to service the debt and having to release his copyrights as indemnity , which then are destroyed. Tesla later dies alone in hotel. Notice the similarity with Wilhelm Reich’s prosecution and burning of all his research files on orgone energy (by the documented US govt agency raids)… for human healing benefit if not further bio electric production.
Useability of dreams…
Whilst Edison (vegetarian) had his copper wire energy generators and distributors inventions later marketed as a result of sellable investments and agreements on making no light bulb last longer than 1000 hours (signed in Switzerland between all the then manufacturers as the sole copyright on lightbulbs , (the phoebus cartel )

Where Osho(vegetarian… you ought to be getting the subliminal message by now ) in the Mustard Seed said you cannot ride two horses at the same time (independently through choice) though awareness (inescapable determinism) unifies the field of choice, in a sort of transcendence or what Kirkegaard would existentially attempt as an ascendant relinquishing of lower for higher ‘values’ which include the lower but are not determined by them… thus..

And on the Higgs Bosun nature of consciousness…
and now in Geneva at the Cern labs, the two-as-one unifying energetic proof or ‘manifestation’ of a simultaneous event ……is demonstrated… of Bohr’s wave and particle ….where the same synchronous energy ‘event’ is demonstrably coexistent infinitely..Higgs Bosun field.

Where cause is not atomically regressably finite in Einstein’s terms (ps…like Tesla and Edison …Einstein was vegetarian) regarding time and structure, but self-forming and infinitely kaleidoscopically reproducing with a field that co-creates its own ‘fields’ which are simultaneously atomically interacting with continuous (wave) and specific (particle) as a non-measureable aspect of time/energy itself.[Bohr]

Confused… I am…I think a polymath should help sort this one out.. over to you Vartan…..
the question is …

Do vegetables turn one into a genius or are they cosynchrous in intelligent life and therefore give, not take energy, from the universe.. see the Promethean Mary Shelleys vegetarian Frankenstein.. for a DIY attempt at the new man.

oh and by the way osho therefore is eternal… at least that’s how it/he that feels to me…. so don’t be swayed by appearances to the contrary even here on sn.. its all part of the leela maya.. the endless Indian one not the south american indian december 2012 damp fizzling firework one…

more on the basis of Nils Bohrs philosophical basis for his scientific discoveries.. good if you can’t sleep

Conclusion.. even though Einstein’s finite reductionism was theoretically challengeable with only partially suggested proofs by Bohr, the nature of continuous discovery has shown that Bohr’s more complete poetic mystic vision is actually in consequence physically generative and not terminally implosive…… and that has implications for the nature of faith and the eternal transmission of the lamp and Osho’s legacy in each of our understandings beyond the seen. Its that indefatigability which SN in some small way attests to in its myriad forms , despite the buffeting of the tides of denile.

night night…
Ps.. the drugs are just about wearing off as I type

5 thoughts on “Nuclear fish and chips and Quantum thoughts.

  1. re my sn post …
    prem martyn says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    27 January, 2013 at 12:44 am
    if only dharmen had posted my article on nuclear physics then he would have realised I was aeons ahead of my time …as proven by the bbc posting the thesis of my article in full here…albeit with a different author’s name….but the basis of the bbc article is contained totally and utterly in full in my article.. i challenge dharmen and big P to repudiate my analysis of quantum mechanics in terms of the bosun field theory or

    X >/ym2xy^e2-am2>cme_Vx/


    What would confirmation of the Higgs Boson mean for Physics?
    Well the bottom line is that it would vindicate the Standard model. Which is a pretty big deal, this is the leading model describing the fundamental particles and forces of nature. These 12 fundamental particles and four force carriers are as seen in jpg above…

    simples … for a model of the universe visit : compare the

    really, big P, you should keep up at the back with this stuff, tsk tsk tsk …
    i mean its pretty easy ….. eessy peesy ….compared to some of the guff these quantum leaping disciples dream up.. I would have thought anyone with an interest in the begonias of the universe would immediately see how it all makes sense … if you need any help with the equations for consciousness .. erm ask Vartan.. I think he has written the Idiots guide to Whats the anti-matter with Sannyas.

    Dr Spock.(vegetarian)

    ok I’ll get my coat .. its been a busy week…

  3. I rest my case….

    Standard Model – Predicts the existence of the Higgs Boson

    In 1916, Bohr became a professor at Copenhagen University. In 1920, he was appointed director of the new “Institute of Theoretical Physics.” In this position, he was in a position to be instrumental in building the theoretical framework of quantum physics. The standard model of quantum physics throughout the first half of the century became known as the “Copenhagen interpretation,” although several other interpretations now exist. Bohr’s careful, thoughtful manner of approaching was colored with a playful personality, as clear in some famous Niels Bohr quotes.

  4. Is this the Boson Higgs who sailed with captain Pugwash, and was a friend of Seaman Staines? I think I’ve met him! But this was light years away!

Reply here or on my oshopirates facebook link at bottom of right side column.