reply to shantam , unpublished from me on Sannyasnews

  1. prem martyn says:

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  2. shantam prem says:

    Martyn, you are the right person to tell, ” Why left wing radicals and youth are celebrating Margaret Thatcher´s death? After all celebrators are not sannyasins.
    Why so much hate for her?
    As an Indian I can count the list of politicians who will get the maximum votes from the citizens if there is a petition, which one should rot in hell, still I cannot imagine in India, people will celebrate so openly and walls will be painted with graffiti, ” Rot in hell Maggie Thatcher”.
    There must be some solid reason or is it a misguided propaganda to paint her in such a bad light?

    • prem martyn says:

      Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      Well that’s an interesting question from so many angles…Shantam…
      I will draw up a list of possible considerations..

      Do you have an hour spare to read…..?

      Objectively consider this, some history…
      1) As the British have a terrible interpersonal emotive fluency/ intelligence due in large part to a war mongering, patrician , lack of indulgent maternal-affective range or bonding in childhood, televisual domesticity, where interaction is sponsored by sterile tv drama and where the pirates get drunk at the weekends to connect with others, with fists not hugs, we then get Robots.

      2)In compensation we try to cathart the residue or frustrated puss through individual eccentricity, conviviality , music and well observed laughter-based rebellion to the world, as understood recently by the non english IrishScotsman Danny Boyle who sold the olympic Queen to the world.
      We as a culture have understood the need for deep unbridled satire since at least Shakespeare and on through the 17th century writers and pamphleteers, into the vegetarian scientists(Newton )and veg romanticists (Shelley ,Wollstencraft, Godwin. Keats ) and into women throwing themselves under horses for the right to vote before WW1.We thus led the world in different good ways too.

      3) After the two world wars the UK working class were no longer willing or able to take orders from a class elite. So a private professional army was eventually formed, like piratical privateers, and unions developed(to protect class) out of the Anarchist movements of the 19th century …which btw Churchill was adamant in destroying, including the shooting of miners at Tony Pandy in the 20′s on his orders and the suppression of Anarchist unions and the hanging of mutinous sailors, when he was lord of the fleet.

      Thatcher came in at the point of loss of faith in domestic markets and the opening up of the global capital markets to unfettered control by stock and banks.The UK was in an enviable position to re-organise its economy because of the billions coming in from oil. This was able to welfare pay support the closing ‘uneconomic’ coal and steel and manufacturing industries. The social networks of smaller vulnerable communities which had grown familiar with post war growth, and state socialist agreements were now being disposed of especially in the industrial north.

      Now step in Thatcher as the petty bourgeois ambitious girl inspired by Churchillian values to put the UK up for sale. She took elocution english lessons to transform her speech into middle english and all the post ww2 trauma emotionally traumatized boys lined up in her cabinet ,for this matron from their boarding schools to guide them into being proper prefects and administering the bitter medicine to the rest of the school.

      In return for disbanding union agreed five year collective bargaining pacts, some of the aspiring petty bourgeois public were given profits from multiple share deals which they had to buy to get rich quick, house prices rose then crashed and , you could buy then sell your council home, if you had a job to do that with, which was perfect for the richer south east and conservative heartlands.

      She also faced down a war with Argentine dictators who having been put there by Americans in ’76 wanted the oil under the Falklands . On winning the war , with the support of the US military satellites,she obviously achieved cult status. In the meantime her robotic emotionally traumatised but very typical english manner became divisive with further political losses including the Poll tax, and her distance from her own political cadres.The matron wanted now to be the headmaster, and this her public schoolboy cabinet resented, and eventually brought her down.She also had to make concessions in Ireland.She was very very lucky to have a man of the intelligence of Gorbachev to negotiate with as it was likely that Reagan could have pushed his paranoid predecessors into a North Korean type scenario.with her assent.

      So in 11 years a lot of internal confrontations, which led to the narcissism of Blair’ s Thatcherite policies (he was from Eton public school ) and uncontrolled wars. She epitomises the ruling political apparatchiks,who though they appease and manage and massage the voters are separate from them. What is less understood is how politics is the new religion which determines our cultural and intellectual and emotive interactions through defining how authority works and what is expected for social cohesion in a command type culture.

      When Oliver Cromwell died in the 17th century, his body was disinterred and his head removed from the skeleton in a symbolic judgement from the returning Royalty.Purges and hangings continued of Cromwell’s supporters.

      In the UK we have now become less radical in Parliament than ever our history allowed, so that our only green MP was voted in last year. This is partly the result of winning two world wars, where the society and political processes becomes comfortable with itself, not needing thought itself but simply the institutional reliable power of ‘due process’, without appearing to want to dictate to its electorate, Russian style,…. or removing the poor from believing in their own democracy American style, so that they end up not voting, or being able to organise. An average of 60% of the US votes, and for mainstream parties.The rest being effectively disenfranchised in cultural and real poverty.

      In the UK only around 40% were voting during for her during the Thatcher years with her getting enough significant territorial votes, but not in absolute voter numbers because of the UK system. 60-ish per cent wasn’t bothering to vote for her or at all, by the end of her term…(normally around 30 percent of the electorate don’t vote at all.) This is what happens when you remove the hope of change that democratic language bombast requires, for its legitimacy. Her confrontational style was therefore losing the legitimacy for her new world.The posts were shifting but she wasn’t.

      If the day ever comes when Bush and Blair are tried for War Crimes,i will be popping champagne. In personal terms I and my immediate world benefited from her economic policies, in small but significant ways,but it wasn’t through her employment policies but her financial ones.That is also as a result of being in the right place at the right time,or even luck of the draw, astuteness, and living in a world made by others coercion and gain , and having some left over too.
      Its all another era in my memory and not significant enough to even clap about.
      If you want to enjoy that period and understand its own forms of double speak, just sit back and tune into spitting image videos on you tube. Its like today’s Simpsons but much more relaxed and user friendly.
      Moral of story …
      If you use the police state and army to bolster your image in confrontation, ultimately you have to pay the price of disapproval, as when Blair had to resign quietly because his MPs would not further support a war mongerer, once they realised he had lied to Parliament over Iraq.
      Thatcher is an institutional target for all the lack of engagement people are forced to endure whilst being used . When I travel I often ask when will the war on terror be over , so I can pack my toothpaste normally. This is my my small attempt at not allowing political mindsets to cloud over our ability to engage and relate, and to remove the emotive authority the state fear depends on. I memorably brought the connecting bag check to a halt in a uk airport when some teenage spotty clown tried to tell me that my plastic see through box had to be replaced by a plastic bag for a £1 , having travelled as cleared by Prague airport security. I used big cathartic voice ,theatre style, to ask if the Germans had actually won the war and were we subject to military officers and law now ? About a huindred people were hushed in reverence at my clappable performance.

      Now then ask Parmartha why he won’t allow bare breasted Femen girls photographed shouting Putin is a dictator to him , the day before yesterday onto this site ? I’d be very interested to know the answer.

      Now Sting sings what I meant to say……

Reply to: Sannyas News post, on the jailing of Pune mass killer.

The Never Ending Threat 

Osho hardly ever mentioned the bearded allah nutters, because he quite clearly had

nothing to benefit from provoking the repressions of a non-culture which had never

sponsored any kind of anti-theocratic or secular revolution or developed humanist and

thence psychological language, based on an enquiry into a libido freed from fear.

And which in its monstrous forms had utterly forgotten the indulgent rapturous

sensualities of the firdauz gardens which the historical turkic, iranian, and iberian

arabs had so clearly thrived in.


Such was the antagonistic climate then, during Osho’s life, which further degenerated

into the threatening chaotic menace of today.The consequences of which play into more

‘sleights of mouth’ by vested interests. This ‘Society of the Spectacle’, no less,

formatively described by our missed Sw.Paritosh,the co-founder of Sannyas News, and the

renowned major translator from French into English of the works of the Situationist

International,for the revolutionary English counterculture of the 1960’s.A spectacle

which still holds true today.


The great unwashed ones who are the harbingers of conformist misery have clearly

previously existed, and were variously named. The script is still the same in proto,

orthodox, theocratic history. The dispossessed and unwashed, take refuge in religious

book thumping strong-armism,borrowed,adapted or imposed from their patrician overlords.

When all other forms of hope are removed, (hope of improvement and self determination in

daily life ), then so called-religionists provide shelter through fear-based morality

for the fearful lumpen mass. Should any western, titillating, licentiousness threaten

this repressed islamist domestic cocktail, by undermining its islamist salvationist

fixed rhetoric as their only hope, the only hope of the disenfranchised dispossessed

unwashed, then the unwashed explode onto the stage, with a mediaeval vengeance, via the

gormless and mentally ill, kebab eating smellies.Their speciality is also internecine


(Ten years ago in Arnos Grove , London, I once boarded a late night bus and these bed

sheeted idiots were loudly chanting their intimidations directly behind my neck.It

turned out that these were likely from the same cell in that area that attacked a London

bus about five years later.The feeling of diabolical anonymous physical threat was

something I had never previously experienced on London transport.)

Not that any of these thugs have any form of coherence in what they espouse,it’s just

sold as a package and promoted as such by even its so called enemies for convenience and

consumption.The Society of the Spectacle, for mad eyed beginners.


Lest we as citizen democrats consider ourselves free of the same disease, we have

secular states that impose upon its citizens the unaccountable ‘protection’ of a

militarised legality, which today, instead of offering the enlightened humanists’ hope

of freedom, as when life thrives, has instead contorted into a secular state that

‘protects’ its potential victims from ever menacing threat. Especially if the spectacle

is managed abroad or in removed containable outrages, then the script continues. Osho

was fond of talking about the frog in the slow boiling water, who never did find out how

it had died.


This is a discourse which may be superficially over-familiar and banale, but has its

ramifications in the way hope is organized.

Similar to the impending and very real doom of environmental catastrophes, humanity is

thus conceptually locked into conflicts from which not only it cannot escape but is

destined to be plagued by,in a descending spiral. As an antidote to this conceptual self

replication, Osho offered a mystical pragmatic enquiry.


Were it not for the fact that as the libido tends to disintegrate over time into a

thanatos of terminality and finds false consolation and equanimity in passive fatalism,

the state’s (and its enemy, theocracy ) sponsored logic feeds into the same myopia for

its own ends. Unfortunately the corporate thanatos is not counterbalanced by any form of

triumphant destiny (flag waving is thus a poor replacement for the mass mind). It is

neither counterbalanced by the secular state’s original raison d’etre as a force for

fully empowering civic responsibility, nor is the state able to define its own logic

with credibility in its own existence, because it is permanently threatened by war or

implosion.Violence is therefore a continuing aspect of the state in disarray, and that

requires constant maintenance.


Currently individuals grapple to comprehend the hidden double speak, as a form of

psychological manipulation which has developed at the same speed as any methods of

psychological integrity.Those individuals who seek to redress this agenda, are isolated,

prosecuted, note the recent suicide of AAron Swartz as someone who tentatively

confronted hidden state material.


Psychology in itself has become a necessary tool for an ever more disparate and

disintegrated society to give coherence and manageability back to the vacuum packed

lives of its inhabitants. Such as the earlier marxism and national socialism were

attempts at organizing the mass phenomemon of industrial social morbidity into ‘isms

that formulated ready made meaning and purpose out of the brutal darwinian epoch. The

film the ‘Road to Wellville’ describes an earlier form of sanitised personal salvation



So on the one hand we have the managing of the relative scales of disinformation and

threat by the tripartite team of government, law and the media providing the lancing of

the pus of corporate criminality, through the stage managing of checks and balances.

Whilst on the other hand we have the antithesis of civil societies, the fanatic kebab

eater heritage which is held up as a threat to our civilized norms.None of this tension

seems to bode well for the healthy development of the sane individual, but more

importantly it shuns ,limits and atrophies the very evolution which remains in any

objective terms merely latent, wasted and forlorn.It was this entropy which Osho



The effect this has on the moral health of a people is all too readily seen , when

disingenuousness, suspicion, economic stagnation, without purpose, undermines the daily

show and materialist investments. It is what Havel calls the Powerlessness of the

Powerful, and by its inversion, the formative and latent ‘Power of the Powerless’

through truth and integrity.


Havel points us to the nature of the absurd as the governing but undeclared force, the

absurd being formed out of the quagmire and stagnancy of having no authentic hope.

Hope properly addressed or noticed , as a constructive and incipient aspect of the very

nature of living and life itself. Not hope as belief, not hope in something calculated,

but the quality of that felt but unseen human quality which is of tremendous resource

when embraced and with creation as its source.Osho was the living embodiment of both the

end of hope and the beginning of it.


It’s not that Osho provided a magic wand , but my contention is this: As a social

revolutionary, in part, as well as this commanding phenomenon of the nature of liberated

creation, Osho inspired with this actuality and demonstration of fearless, reckless

immersion into life and living.


When we look towards epochs of change through history we often see the symbiosis between

eras and the progenitors of them through the writings and stature and measure of its

heroes and exponents. By attending to what Osho heralded, we initiate the entry into a

new land in ourselves and new unexplored territory in life lived as consciousness

through sensual love.


I’m reminded of when we look at photos of previous decades or century, how stilted and

confined people look. How simply un-radiating. And looking at how much fresher and

spontaneous people can look these days, even when compared to black and white film of

the 60’s. It’s that hope in intelligence that evolves that is tangible when we give our

contributions the full merit we and others deserve. Let that part of enlivenement

continue in the face of all degeneracy.

Nuclear fish and chips and Quantum thoughts.

Somebody mentioned John Wayne eh.. well not so fast there me old six or seven shooter friends.. it seems Vartan has been taking up your precious time with the Tao of Physics with time, energy and the universe.. bloody typical of polymaths everywhere.. not content with owning the market in wall paper paste and associated products.. typical …anyway…

Well this town ain’t big enough for the both of us to ponder in me hearties er i mean pard’ners (sorry i went a bit johnny depp there) walk on over to the Ponderosa Ranch where.. its time to pick up a ten gallon hat’s worth of ideas and get to grips with my pardner in time, and sit down for a nice chat and some dualitea.

Ahemm this article is not for the faint hearted , semi literate , or people who appear on Jerry Springer as ex trailer on the Ranch trash and who have trouble holding their thoughts or liquor in order.

To all the rest of you… time is precious.. so enjoy the few minutes I have laid out here as a repast or snack of thought..

May I begin .. on the subject of Everlasting Energy…
Nils Bohr, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Wilhelm Reich.Einstein. Osho

Tatwamasi Swetketu… Thou art that….. That art thou. (the Baul mystics et al)

Let us consider the Higgs Bosun field and the Bohrian impossibility of evidencing ,or theoretically describing, the same co-existing event in measureable ways which includes both the measure of measurement and its co-existence with itself, (being both subject/ object) at any replicating ‘point’; …….when energy is both wave and particle, (depending on the whether one is looking for or discerning a wave or particle. ….
Viz Osho.. The Mustard Seed.. you cannot ride two horses at the same time, (although the individual horse is both horses !!!!)…>>
” This crucial point…implies the impossibility of any sharp separation between the behaviour of atomic objects [i.e., objects governed by quantum mechanics] and the interaction with the measuring instruments which serve to define the conditions under which the phenomena appear…. Consequently, evidence obtained under different experimental conditions cannot be comprehended within a single picture, but must be regarded as complementary in the sense that only the totality of the phenomenena exhausts the possible information about the objects.[1]”

Where wave and particle are both at the same time…. and time is both the wave and particle.

Where Nikola Tesla (vegetarian) demonstrated infinite self replicating free-to-air electrical energy generation and had his copyrights bankrupted out of him by industrial manipulation loaning him money to finance research see the Western Electric co.,), which at the point of conversion into electrical regeneration from the atmosphere (the building remains of which lie in New York State) , instead having the WE financiers call on the loan , then him unable to service the debt and having to release his copyrights as indemnity , which then are destroyed. Tesla later dies alone in hotel. Notice the similarity with Wilhelm Reich’s prosecution and burning of all his research files on orgone energy (by the documented US govt agency raids)… for human healing benefit if not further bio electric production.
Useability of dreams…
Whilst Edison (vegetarian) had his copper wire energy generators and distributors inventions later marketed as a result of sellable investments and agreements on making no light bulb last longer than 1000 hours (signed in Switzerland between all the then manufacturers as the sole copyright on lightbulbs , (the phoebus cartel )

Where Osho(vegetarian… you ought to be getting the subliminal message by now ) in the Mustard Seed said you cannot ride two horses at the same time (independently through choice) though awareness (inescapable determinism) unifies the field of choice, in a sort of transcendence or what Kirkegaard would existentially attempt as an ascendant relinquishing of lower for higher ‘values’ which include the lower but are not determined by them… thus..

And on the Higgs Bosun nature of consciousness…
and now in Geneva at the Cern labs, the two-as-one unifying energetic proof or ‘manifestation’ of a simultaneous event ……is demonstrated… of Bohr’s wave and particle ….where the same synchronous energy ‘event’ is demonstrably coexistent infinitely..Higgs Bosun field.

Where cause is not atomically regressably finite in Einstein’s terms (ps…like Tesla and Edison …Einstein was vegetarian) regarding time and structure, but self-forming and infinitely kaleidoscopically reproducing with a field that co-creates its own ‘fields’ which are simultaneously atomically interacting with continuous (wave) and specific (particle) as a non-measureable aspect of time/energy itself.[Bohr]

Confused… I am…I think a polymath should help sort this one out.. over to you Vartan…..
the question is …

Do vegetables turn one into a genius or are they cosynchrous in intelligent life and therefore give, not take energy, from the universe.. see the Promethean Mary Shelleys vegetarian Frankenstein.. for a DIY attempt at the new man.

oh and by the way osho therefore is eternal… at least that’s how it/he that feels to me…. so don’t be swayed by appearances to the contrary even here on sn.. its all part of the leela maya.. the endless Indian one not the south american indian december 2012 damp fizzling firework one…

more on the basis of Nils Bohrs philosophical basis for his scientific discoveries.. good if you can’t sleep

Conclusion.. even though Einstein’s finite reductionism was theoretically challengeable with only partially suggested proofs by Bohr, the nature of continuous discovery has shown that Bohr’s more complete poetic mystic vision is actually in consequence physically generative and not terminally implosive…… and that has implications for the nature of faith and the eternal transmission of the lamp and Osho’s legacy in each of our understandings beyond the seen. Its that indefatigability which SN in some small way attests to in its myriad forms , despite the buffeting of the tides of denile.

night night…
Ps.. the drugs are just about wearing off as I type